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Hello there and welcome to Money Beta!

I'm happy to say the blog is pretty much up and running now, it's very exciting.

I just wanted to write a quick introduction to the themes of the blog.

This website is going to be all about Money, how to work with it and how to get along without very much of it.

I'll also be doing some Money Experiments, such as tracking some index funds, breaking down some money saving ideas and testing to see if these things are really worth your time and effort.

I'll also be touching on some other features that are close to my heart such as new ways of learning and developing your skills. I always think it is very important to learn as much as you can on as many subjects as possible, if this new knowledge can make you some money all the better!

Along with these I'm hoping for some guest posts from authors who write on similar themes. These will hopefully give another viewpoint and help to give perspective.

It all sounds pretty succinct but I'm sure I will diverge from this plenty of times and come back close to it at other points. Most of all I want it to be fun.

If you have any questions or would like to contribute or suggest ideas for experiments please feel free to get in touch via the Contact Money Beta Towers tab.

Thanks for stopping by and see you soon.


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